24 Mar
  • By Brian Odella
  • Cause in


In January 2021, Oxfam in Uganda concluded a research study that translated into a report titled “The Effectiveness and Impact of Certificate of Customary Ownership of Land in Securing Women’s Land Rights in Uganda”.  

The report analyses the procedures and capacities of institutions that issue  certificate of customary ownership (CCO) of land in Uganda and their impact on women’s security of land tenure. This relates to the bundles of land rights such as right of use, access, ownership, sale, decision making  and rights of transferring and inheriting land.

Specifically, the report evaluates the successes and  gaps of CCOs in the advancement of women’s land rights in Uganda; Identifies the implications of customary  laws,  cultural /religious beliefs and practices on the effectiveness of certificates of customary ownership of land in Uganda and proposes best practices and lessons learned from implementation and management of CCOs of land. The report relays useful recommendations, most of which can inform government processes, key among the recommendations is the creation of a customary land registry in Uganda. As a network we have continued to create synergies and partnerships to ensure secure tenure rights on land for women